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Monday, July 12, 2010

Webcam software detects movement, triggers siren, captures snapshots, records video, and sends captured images by email

Streaming online video and sound from capture card
through webcam server application

Streaming live video and audio from capture card via webcamera server software

Surveillance software

If you find yourself with a need to record surveillance video with a camera over an area,

web camera
server application

may be the right choice for you. Using this software, it is possible to set up a
camera to detect movement and begin recording once it does.

Depending on your needs, the sights and sounds that are picked up by the camera may be stored on a hard drive, or if the captured video
needs to be accessible off-site, can be broadcast using the server's streaming
function to a site.

Depending on the quality of the camera and the viewer's video card, the picture that is recorded may be as clear as a high-definition tv signal.
Using a install like this, it is possible to provide a measure of surveillance for an area when
the economics of the situation do not justify hiring a security firm or setting up a professional monitoring system.


do-it-yourself approach

can save money while not compromising on protection.

Web camera software identifies movement, sounds
alarm, captures snapshots, records video, and sends captured images by email

Webcam software senses activity, triggers siren, captures snapshots, records video, and sends captured images by email
Web cameras
are fine for more than just making online conversations
more sensible. They can furthermore be
an tremendously effective device
for use in residence or company security.


is now available that can identify activity and use
it as a trigger for various events.

The way that
it works is to analyze the image sent by a camera that is either connected using USB
or using a video capture card for motion. Once it picks up
that movement, it can therefore take any number of actions,
including triggering an alarm.

An other popular software, though, is to either
send live images of what is happening in the field that is covered by the camera
or to even webcast through online broadcasting accurately what is
happening with both audio and image. If installed surreptitiously,
this software could even be used for clandestine surveillance.

Given the
large number of systems that either have a webcam attached
or can support one, this is an excellent way to inexpensively and easily defend
the zone around that property
from invasion or theft.

I'm using webcamera application. I
can broadcast Online video to view my home
from anywhere.

Web camera software identifies movement, sounds siren, captures snapshots, records video, and sends captured images by email

With my new

web camera application
, I can run a broadcasting webcast
of my site visible from the Internet. This opens up a league
of opportunities, the surface of which has not even been scratched in today's world. I can use
this broadcast for surveillance purposes, allowing me to see what's going on in my apartment
at any moment from a remote watching computer.

As long as I have the webcam
running and a remote pc with Internet access, I can view the home.
With the application and the webcam, I can change the options to capture video,
identify motion (if I don't want to keep the webcam running at all times),
or use a combination of a online feed and recorded video to realize a security
system that takes full benefit of nevest technology.

With a capture card,
I can simply transfer related video and screenshots to use on
any pc.

With delicate files on my workstation
and priceless belongings in my apartment,
it only makes sense to have a protection setup that I can supervise whenever I feel that my privacy
is being compromised. If I owned a small firm or lived with roommates, I couldn't imagine
living without it.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Watch TV - Online IP TVGet
4000 Live television stations from your PC.
Not required of a TV hardware. Pure picture - no monthly payment needed.

Watch television shows online anywhere. All you need is
our Internet television software,
your PC, and Internet connection.

Watching online TV is very convenient and affordable without all the wires and installation charges
it takes for regular cable or dish TV services to be connected.
With online TV, all you simply need is a PC and the internet, it's that easy.
Most services are available online for no charge and almost all large broadcasting stations like Fox,
NBC, and ABC have webpages where their shows can be viewed. There is no need to buy cable if you hardly ever
watch TV when everything is available online, even live streaming of the news.

Just put together a laptop, and ISP (Internet Service Provider)
and our Internet TV software, which shows TV programs.
There are not much
free services or you can pay a service to join one of the many services catering to that field.
Lot of your favorite shows will also allow you to download their content and watch them.
If you missed an episode of your favorite show, never fear, in some cases you can search it and watch it on the web.

No reason to purchase cable TV for thousands of dollars if you can install television
on home laptop? Online TV is the next new thing in Internet technology.
Simply put, Internet TV offers the customer ability
to watch their favorite programs and films without using buttons
on the TV channels switch.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Increase search engine rank

Increase your web-site search engine rank

Be presented on search engines is one of the most important strategy to increase web-site
traffic and expose your business or service to individuals that might be interested in your product.

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They know the number of sites are referring to your website; more referrers and hits
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Wednesday, June 23, 2010


There are no limits to growth because there are no limits to human intelligence, imagination, and achievement. Take the limits off yourself if you want to become successful. There is no way you are going to achieve anything with a limited mindset. You must think limitlessly when you want to become an achiever. The rich think limitlessly and they are forever open to new ideas and concepts and this is why they are rich and remain rich. The poor on the other hand have a limited thinking capacity and this is why they cannot be rich and remain in the vicious cycle of poverty for the rest of their life.

Our limited thinking always begins and ends in our mind. We have all grown up in environments where we have been taught what we can have and what we cannot have. The “what we can have” teachings that we have received are our major hindrances in thinking limitlessly. We have all been taught what is possible and what is impossible. We have to change our thinking and our concepts if we want to be limitless in all that we do. This can only happen when we begin to think, act and believe that nothing is impossible.

Your becoming anything is based on your limited or unlimited thinking about that thing. This is why you must never limit yourself in anyway. Warren Buffet and Bill Gates have become all that they have become because they have taken the limits off of what they can become. They could never have become billionaires if they were suffering from limited thinking. They became billionaires as a result of unlimited thinking. You too will achieve greater heights and become somebody in life if you engage in limitless thinking.

Remove the word impossible from your vocabulary. Stop saying “I cannot do this or that”. You can do all things if and when you put all your heart, strength and mind to do it. Your success in life and business will always be based on the limits that you have set for yourself. Limited thinking is equal to limited results and unlimited thinking is equal to unlimited results. It’s up to you when it comes to how you want to think or what you want to become. It’s important that you have a limitless mindset and thinking because what you cannot conceive, you cannot achieve and what you can conceive, you can achieve. When you have a limited mindset, your ability to conceive great ideas and concepts that will put you on your desired pedestals will be limited, but when you have an unlimited mindset and thinking, you will have the ability to conceive great ideas and concepts that will make you soar high in your endeavors.

I have seen people regret not doing things that other people did and when they saw that somebody did what they told themselves they couldn’t do, it made them cry and be full of regrets. You can have no regrets whatsoever about your life and business when you think in an unlimited manner. Take the limits off yourself today in everything that you do. This is the deciding factor that will determine whether you become successful or not. Stretching your mind and thinking to unlimited levels daily does not kill or destroy you, what kills, destroys and limits you and your dreams is limited thinking. Your destiny is in your hands; don’t let other people write it for you. Don’t let the doubters and the negative people of our earth and world tell you what your limits are. You and you alone have the power and mandate from God Almighty to determine what your limits are.

It’s not enough to think in a limitless manner, you also need to act in a limitless manner. Action is everything when it comes to becoming somebody. You must act out the life that you want and when you do this, you will surely become the man or woman that you want to become.

I hope you will be with me at the top.

Sincerely yours,

Thursday, June 10, 2010


This is a follow up to my article on Self Employment Options published on this site. In this article culled from, I present eight tips on being your own boss which is the same thing as being self employed. Enjoy it:

1. Take a stand for yourself.

If you are dissatisfied with your current circumstances no one will fix them — except for you. It doesn’t do any good to blame the economy, your boss, spouse or family. Change can only occur when you make a conscious decision to make it happen.

2. Figure out the “Right” Business for You
Give yourself permission to explore. Be willing to look at different facets of yourself: your personality, social styles, age, and listen to your intuition which we tend to ignore even though deep down we often know the truth. Ask yourself, “What gives me energy even when I’m tired?”
How do you know what business is “right” for you? There are three common approaches to entrepreneurship:
• Do What Your Know – Have you been laid off or want a change? Look at what work you have performed in the past for others and think about how you could package those skills and offer them as your own services or products.
• Do What Others Do – Learn about other businesses that interest you. Once you have identified a business you like — emulate it.
• Solve a Common Everyday Problem – Is there a gap in the market? Is there a service or product you would like to bring to market? (Note: this is the highest risk of the three approaches). If you choose to do this, make sure that you become a student and gain knowledge first before you spend any money.

3. Business planning improves your chances for success
Most people don’t plan BUT it will help you get to market faster. A business plan will help you gain clarity, focus, and confidence. A plan does not need to be more than one page; and, as you write down your goals, strategies and action steps – your business becomes REAL.
Ask yourself the following questions:
• What am I building?
• Who am I in service of?
• What is the promise I am making to my customers/clients and to myself?
• What are my objectives, strategies and action plans (steps) to achieve my goals?

4. Know who will buy your product or service before you spend a penny.
Before you spend money, find out if people will actually buy your products or services first. This may be the most important thing you do! You can do this by validating your market. In other words, who EXACTLY will buy your products or services other than your family or friends? What is the size of your target market? Who are your customers? Is your product or service relevant to their everyday life? Why do they need it? You can uncover this through research and by reading industry articles with data. However, the most important way to get this information is to ask your target market directly and then LISTEN.

5. All money is not equal. Know what the “right” kind of money you need for your business.
As you are creating your business plan you will need to consider what type of business you are building – a lifestyle business (smaller amount of startup funds), a franchise (moderate investment depending on the franchise), a high tech business (will require significant capital investment). Depending on where you fall on the continuum you will need a different amount of money to launch and grow your business and it does matter what kind of money you accept. (Some resources mentioned in detail in Chapter 4 are: Peer-to-Peer lending, Grants, Angel Groups, Bank Loans, and information about Venture Capital Groups).

6. Build a Support Network.

You’ve made the internal commitment to your business. Now you need to cultivate a network of supporters, advisors, partners, allies, and vendors. If you believe in your business, others will too!
Network locally, nationally & via Social Networks. Join networks like, your local Chamber of Commerce, or other relevant business groups. Here are some networking basics:
• When attending networking events ASK OTHERS about what THEY DO and think about how you can help them.
• No matter what group you join, be generous, help others and make introductions without charging them.
• By becoming a generous leader, you will be the first person that comes to mind when someone that you’ve helped needs your service or hears of someone else that needs your service.

7. Sell by Creating Value.

Even though we purchase products and services every day, people don’t want to be “sold”. Focus on being in service to others. The more people you serve the more money you will make. When considering your customers or clients ask yourself:
• What do I “like” about them?
• What can I give them?
• How can I make them successful in their own pursuits?
This approach can help lead you to new ways to hone your product or service and deliver more value which your customers will appreciate.

8. Get the Word Out.

Be willing to say who you are and what you do with conviction and without apology! Embrace and use the most effective online tools (Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, LinkedIn) available to broadcast your news. Use Social Networks as “pointer” sites; i.e., to point to anything that you think will be of interest to your fans and followers.
Even though social networks are essential today (you must use them!), don’t underestimate the power of other methods to get the word out: e.g., word-of-mouth marketing, website & internet marketing tools, public relations, blog posts, columns & articles, speeches, email, newsletters, and the old-fashioned but still essential… telephone!

Sincerely yours,

Paul Babatunde Oke.

Monday, May 31, 2010


You never really have a great dream or vision of great value until you begin to confess it everywhere you go all over the world. Confession indeed brings about possession. You never possess anything you are not ready to claim with your mouth. Scientists have proven that the whole body is controlled by the mouth even as a ship is controlled by a rudder and a car is controlled by the steering. It’s when you begin to confess that you intend to become successful that your whole body, mind and system begin to wake up to the reality that you are serious about what you say and then begin to act in line with your affirmations.

I have never really met any one that has ever become anything without first declaring that thing to the world by confession. You become what you confess daily in your life and business. This is why prayer is a very powerful thing because God actually wants us to confess what we want to become through it and consequently become it by doing it daily. Your body and its systems move in the direction of your confessions. When you confess that things are difficult and complicated for you, they will be difficult and complicated for you because that is the message you have sent to your mind and all your bodily systems. Your mind, heart and brain start reading and interpreting hard, difficult, complicated instances and that’s what it produces. When you confess that things are easy and great for you, your heart, mind and brain starts reading and interpreting easy, great, success, breakthrough etc. and things generally turn out easy and great for you.

This is why the devil seeks like crazy to stop you from confessing and saying the right things because he knows the power of confessions. He will do this by intimidation, deceptions, delays and denials. There is so much power in confessions both on the negative and the positive dimensions. To live happily, with good health and achieve your heart desires, you must cultivate the habit of confessing what you want and the power of attraction which operates in the universe will attract the things you want to you. You must keep repeating this to yourself and to anyone you meet all over the world. As long as you keep confessing this, it’s certain that you will become one because you actually become what you confess consistently with your mouth.

When a sick person starts confessing their healing, they suddenly get up and get healed. When a poor person begins to confess riches and great wealth, they suddenly get rich. When you begin to say the right words and confess the right confessions, the universe will move everything in it to favor your cause. The poor are poor because of their daily confessions; they always confess and declare the wrong things. The rich on the other hand are rich because of their daily confessions too. They always confess and declare the right things.

It’s the telling and confession of your dreams and visions that motivates and inspires you to strive to achieve your heart desires. True success in anything in this life starts with the confessions and declaration of that thing to the world.

Sincerely yours,

Monday, May 24, 2010


Hi folks,

Paul Babatunde Oke here...

If you are familiar with (R), or even if you are not but you want to make profits online, then you will want to check this out.

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Sincerely yours,

P.S. - Make sure to get your Account NOW while it is Free to join.

Monday, May 17, 2010


“Man cannot discover new oceans unless he has the courage to leave the shore”

The fear of failure is the reason why most people cannot get anything done or accomplished. The fear of failure is the reason why people never attempt to pursue their passions but rather choose to remain in their comfort zone. The fear of failure is the reason why people do not believe they can become successful. The fear of failure is the reason why people do not commit and dedicate themselves to achieving greater heights in their life pursuits. The fear of failure is the reason why people do not think positively in all things. You must not fear failure when you want to live your dream and be happy. You must believe within yourself without any iota of doubt that you will not fail in your quest to become what you desire to be.

To become successful, you must not be afraid of failure because you will not fail on the long run. Failure is not an option for you because you only have one option and that is to succeed. You need to see and expect only success in all your endeavours. There could be temporary pull back at one point or the other in the pursuit of your dream. These are not enough to discourage you as they will fizzle out with time if you forge ahead and remain focused. When you attempt anything with positive attitude and strong determination, you are sure to get that thing.

Never fear failure because you won’t fail in becoming whoever you want to be. Go out there with great faith and begin to work your mind on how you can achieve your heart desires. When you keep working your mind with the belief that you won’t fail in any venture you are engaged in, you will surely succeed. The results that you are looking for in anything that you pursue come only when you believe that you won’t fail in that thing. The breakthrough and the open doors that you are looking for always come when you believe that failure is not an option.

The secret to success in all things is anticipation of success against all odds. You’ve got to have a dream and take action towards the realization of your dreams. You’ve got to never fear failure because you won’t fail if you believe so and ask God for wisdom and power to remain focused. Those who do not become anything are those who have been afraid of failure all their lives. They were afraid that they would fail if they try new things and so they chose to stick to the good known at the expense of the better unknown. Failure has taken over their thoughts and minds and they can’t just see success. Rather when they look, they always see failure.

Folks, you need to change your mindset from failure to victory and success. Unless you change the images in your mind, you can never become successful. “I cannot fail”. Yes. These should be the positive words that you say to yourself all the time and believe with all your heart, might, strength and power that you will become who you want to become. Be careful what you think because you become what you think. Let your thoughts be victory and success enhancing thoughts and you will always have success and victory.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010


The reason for living is about becoming all you can be. This is the singular purpose of life. You are in this world to become all that you can be. At creation, you are endowed by God with all the things required to become successful in your chosen field of endeavour. This is why you must give your full attention to whatever you have to do to make a success of it. People do not know the purpose of life and this is why they waste their lives. The purpose of life is to become all that you can be. You have to desire to be all that you can be and work assiduously towards attaining your full potentials.

Desire to become all you can be daily, weekly, monthly and yearly. You have no reason to be in this world and become nothing or nobody. You should live to become somebody. This is what you should meditate on every second of your life. This is what you should seek and commit yourself to. If you spend all your life becoming nothing, you have wasted your life and God’s effort in creating you. Understanding the purpose of life is important. It will help you to have direction in life. It will help you not to be discouraged in life. It will help you to persist against all odds and vicissitudes of life. When you have direction in life, you will not waste your time or your life.

The successful people become successful because they know and understand the purpose of their coming to this world. They succeed in anything they pursue because they are committed and dedicated to becoming all they can be. When you are committed and dedicated to becoming all that you can be, you give your best in all things. You always seek to achieve your best at all times. You always seek to go higher than your last previous level. You always seek to become somebody and attain lofty heights.

You should always seek to become a man or woman of excellence. You should always stir up the gifts of God in you. You should always aspire to become a pacesetter and a pioneer. You should always look within yourself for solutions to the problems confronting you and inhibiting you from becoming all you can be. This is your call in life. This is your reason for living. This is why you have no excuse not to become somebody because life is about becoming all that you can be.
Life is not about fun and enjoyment. Life is not about sex and women. Life is not about being comfortable. Life is not about staying comfortable. Life is not about having money. Life is not about having kids. Life is not about being known. Life is not about fame or power. Life is not about a job. Life is not about having a business. Life is all about becoming all that you can be and contributing positively to other people’s life. Your life will have no meaning if you cannot become all that you can by the time you are dead. You life will have no meaning if while you alive, you didn’t give life your best. Your life will have no meaning if you have not affected your generation in a positive way.

You are in this life to become all that you can be. Know the reason why you are in this life. Live each day of your life for the reason why you are in this life. Take all that life can throw at you and utilize them to become all that you can become. All the sacrifices you have made in this life will have no meaning when you have not become all that you can become. All the pain and difficulties that you went through in this life will have no meaning if you do not become all that you can be. All the stress and troubles that you went through in this life will have no meaning if you fail to become all that you can become. Die for the reason why you are in this life. Teach your children to do likewise. Teach all those around you to become all they can become. Focus on becoming all that you can become. Meditate on becoming all that you can become. Take action on becoming all that you can become.


Sincerely yours,

Friday, May 7, 2010


Who I am? Yes who are you? Who do you think or know you are and who do people know you to be? This is a question we must ask ourselves and meditate upon anytime we are about to say or do anything. By this question, I do not mean who are you in terms of sex or race but rather the image of whom you project and the characteristics of who you exhibit as an individual.

It is pertinent we know who we are as this knowledge is a crucial factor in determining what we can do or say and are supposed to do or say given the class of personality we think we project to the world. If you have a clear definition of your person or the person you want to be, you will be guided by this realization in whatever you do or say as you will be inclined to conform to the standards of the class of people you belong.

If you know within yourself that you are an important and respectable person for instance, you will tend not to involve yourself in anything that will smear your reputation and make the world to see you as an undesirable element. In the same vein, if you see yourself as an irresponsible and unworthy person, your utterances and actions will definitely be in line with what people in that category will naturally say or do.

Whatever you will do or say will be similar to what other people in the category you perceive yourself to be will often say or do. The prevailing conditions and circumstances notwithstanding and no matter what people think you are by virtue of the position they place you, you will always act your personality. This explains why some people who one way or the other are in leadership positions behave irresponsibly. Deep within such people, they know that they are not worthy of the position that society has placed them and playing leadership role is never in consonance with their personality.

Important and responsible people, no matter their social and/economic status will always exhibit good behaviours and conform to internationally acceptable code of conduct even when faced with unpleasant realities. The reverse is the case for useless and foolish people. It is easy to distinguish a normal human being by his actions and utterances rather than by anything else. A political leader, a Professor or a military top brass can be stupid while a bus conductor (driver’s mate), a gardener or a street urchin can display exemplary characters. It is all about personality.

Every individual must first identify who he or she is as this forms the basis of how we behave. The positions we find ourselves or what people think we are has nothing to do with the way we conduct ourselves. The appellations such as His Excellency, Distinguished Senator, Honourable, Reverend gentleman, Alhaji etc will only be meaningful if attached to people with traits of normal behaviours.

Sincerely yours,

Monday, May 3, 2010


Tithing or giving 10% of your income to charity is the single and most important law of prosperity. Those who learn this law quickly and start practicing it will become wealthy very quickly. The most important thing that should be the foundation of success in life is giving of at least 10% of one's income to charity.

The famous authors: Mark Victor Hansen and Jack Canfield started a series of books called “Chicken Soup for the Soul”, which sold well over 100 million copies, and became the #2 best seller ever. The only book that sold more copies was the Holy Bible. Mark Victor Hansen revealed how Jack and he were struggling authors, until someone gave them advice to start giving 10% of their income. They started doing it, got the idea for “Chicken Soup for the Soul”, and became successful very quickly. When authors try to find out Mark's secret for success, he always says that the #1 secret of his success is tithing. Mark Victor Hansen even wrote a book “Miracle of Tithing”. Felix Homogratus, the founder of Forex Peace Army and a wealthy Forex trader has this to say,” my secret of great financial success has very little to do with trading, but has a lot to do with tithing (giving of 10%)”.

If you ever read the best-selling book about money: “Rich Dad, Poor Dad”, where Robert Kiyosaki shares the things that poor parents do not teach their children, tithing (giving of 10%), is one of those things. Perhaps you should also read about a billionaire Richard Branson, the owner of Virgin Airlines, just to discover that giving to charity is the cornerstone of his success as well. Perhaps I should also mention the famous Forex investor George Soros, whose success is also founded on giving. Or how about the pioneer of high-yield mutual funds Sir John Marks Templeton, who says: “After helping hundreds of thousands of families with their investments, I have found no better investment than tithing. I myself have endeavored to donate, for every dollar I spend, ten dollars to causes that promote prosperity and spirituality.”

There once lived a wildly successful trader by the name of Gary, who made millions upon millions, and who helped hundreds if not thousands of ordinary people to retire through trading. This guy was a hard-core Christian, and once he made a fortune, he decided to share what he knows about trading with others by giving free seminars in his city. This man in one of his seminars said: “If you are still broke, it is because you do not give enough. I read the entire bible, and there is only a passage in the entire bible where God makes a promise and dares you to test him on that promise. It is this passage: Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this, says the Lord Almighty, and see if I will not throw open the windows of heaven and pour out so much blessing that you will not have room enough for it.” He told the people that giving of 10% (tithing) is the cornerstone of his trading success, and he tries to convince them that this is the most important thing that they should do in other to be successful.

There is a branch of modern psychology, which is called environmental psychology. And it came to a simple conclusion that every single thing in our environment has a tendency to program our subconscious mind. Now let’s analyze the no.1 thing our environment programs us for by looking at our bodies. First the body of the father produces sperm. It takes approximately 72 days for a male body to produce sperm. During this production, the best out of everything is taken from the male body and given to that sperm (you). Then the sperm ends up in the body of the mother, who gives it the best of what it got for more than 9 months. Then the baby comes out of the mother’s womb, and it grows by absorbing sunlight and consuming countless of bodies of plants and animals given to it for free by nature. This environment of unconditional giving that we grew up in programs every single one of us to unconditional giving. And such programming is not too difficult to test. Imagine a generous person, and you will naturally feel sympathy towards him or her. Imagine a greedy person, and you will have a tendency not to like him or her.

You can see that you are already programmed by nature to give regularly and unconditionally, and every day on this planet adds to that programming. If you don’t give regularly and unconditionally, you are living against your own belief, and your subconscious will continue to sabotage you.

NB: This article was inspired by Felix Homogratus.

Sincerely yours,

Friday, April 30, 2010


1. A married man was having an affair with his secretary. One day, their passions overcame them and they took off for her house where they made passionate love all afternoon. Exhausted from the wild sex, they fell asleep, awakening around 8.00 pm. As the man threw on his clothes, he told the woman to take his shoes outside and rub them through the grass and dirt. Mystified, she nonetheless complied. He slipped into his shoes and drove home.
“Where have you been?” demanded his wife when he entered the house.
“Darling, I can’t lie to you. I’ve been having an affair with my secretary and we’ve been having sex all afternoon. I fell asleep and didn’t wake up until eight o’clock”.
The wife glanced down at his shoes and said,
“You lying bastard! You’ve been playing golf!

2. There was a middle aged couple that had two stunningly beautiful teenage daughters. The couple decided to try one last time for the son they always wanted. After months of trying, the wife finally got pregnant and sure enough, delivered a healthy baby boy nine months later. The joyful father rushed to into the nursery to see his new son. He took one look and was horrified
to see the most ugly child he had ever seen. He went to his wife and told her there was no way he could be the father of that child.
“Look at the two daughters I fathered!” he said. Then he gave the wife a stern look and asked,
“Have you been fooling around on me?”
The wife just smiled sweetly and said “Not this time!”

3. A mortician was working late one night. It was his job to examine the dead bodies before they were sent off, to be buried or cremated. As he examined the body of Mr. Johnson, who was about to be cremated, he made an amazing discovery. Johnson had the longest private part he had ever seen!
“I’m sorry Mr. Johnson”, said the mortician, “but I can’t send you off to be cremated with a tremendously huge private part like this. It has to be saved for posterity”.
With that, the coroner used his tools to remove the dead man’s private part. He stuffed it into a briefcase and took it home. The first person he showed it to was his wife.
“I have something to show you that you won’t believe”, he said and opened up his briefcase.
“Oh my God! Johnson is dead? the wife screamed.

4. A woman was in bed with her lover when she heard her husband opening the front door.
“Hurry”, she said, “stand in the corner”. Then she quickly rubbed baby oil all over him and then dusted him with talcum powder.
“Don’t move until I tell you to”, she whispered to him. “Just pretend you’re statue.
“What’s this honey?” the husband inquired as he entered the room.
“Oh, it’s a statue”, she replied nonchalantly. “The Taylors bought one for their bedroom. I liked it so much; I got one for us too.
No more was said about the statue, not even later when they went to sleep. Around two in the morning, the husband got out of bed, went to the kitchen and returned with a sandwich and a glass of milk.
“Here”, he said to the statue, “eat something, I stood like an idiot at the Taylors for a whole night and nobody offered me as much as a glass of water”.

5. Alex was dying. His wife Ann was maintaining a candlelight vigil by his side. She held his fragile hand, tears running down her face. Her praying roused him from his slumber. He looked up and his pale lips began to move slightly.
“Ann my darling”, he whispered.
“Hush my love”, she said. “Rest, don’t talk”. He was insistent.
“Ann”, he said in his tired voice, “I have something that I must confess”.
“There’s nothing to confess”, replied the weeping Ann.
“Everything’s all right, go to sleep” she said.
“No, no. I must die in peace, Ann. I slept with your sister, your best friend. her best friend and your mother!”
“I know my sweetheart. That was why I poisoned you” whispered Ann. “Let the poison work”

Thursday, April 29, 2010


1. HONESTY: We have to be completely honest in all of our affairs not only with our loved ones, but with ourselves. Always we need to check our motives in any thing we do that could affect our loved ones and their well being. We need to be on guard for self-centeredness, self-seeking as opposed to self-caring and self worth. Nothing will destroy our loved ones’ trust and erase the foundation of love quicker than a person who lies or cheats. Being able to be truthful even when we know that the truth will hurt sometimes is what matters; that our loved one will be truthful and trustworthy is the tie that binds us.
2. ADD TO IT: We need to go into any new relationship with the idea that we can add to that other person's life to give all of ourselves to them with no reserve, not being self-seeking and selfish in our needs and wants, the real definition of love is the caring and nurturing of one another's well being and spiritual growth. Not what you can get out of it, but what you can give to it. Too many times people are like some streets named... “ONE WAY” only.
3 NO EXPECTATIONS: Here again we have to learn to accept our mates as they are, not who we want them to be. We like them for their good qualities, but loving them for their defects is true love. Change in a person is an inside job and only God has that power to grant the change. We must be able to take the good with the bad and vice versa, nobody is perfect let them be who they are and don't expect them to be anyone else, or we will always live with disappointments for a companion.
4 DON'T KEEP SCORE: Avoid keeping scores at all cost. Forgive and forget. Get over and get rid of any resentments or they will destroy a relationship. Arguments over money or children and using retaliation to punish or get back for any injury to our feelings or pride and ego will upset the apple cart. This spiritual illness will snowball all the way to parting of ways and thereafter, then after it all, you will discover there is no winner, only two lonely losers are now left.
5 TRUST IN GOD: The most beautiful relationships survive and grow because God was invited into them. If God can get you to it, He can get you through it, the shortest distance between a problem and a solution, is the same distance between your knees and the floor. When we bow before God we can stand before any man or woman. Trust in the Lord and He will bless your love and keep you whole. Talk to each other and share this commitment to honor our Father and use His divine guidance.

Sincerely yours.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010


The level of moral decadence in our society has reached a point where folding our arms and watching the events as they unfold will definitely be inimical to our well being that of the generations yet unborn. Day-in-day- out, our news media is awash with stories of people involved in one form of atrocity or the other. Sadly enough the trend continues unabated. It is rather escalating with more sophistication courtesy of advancing technology. Most people are involved in all kinds of vices without considering the effects of their nefarious activities on their fellow citizens who chose to tread the path of honour. Ironically these honourable ones are being made to suffer humiliation, terrorism, poverty and all such unpalatable consequences. The situation is pathetic as it involves people of all races and colour.

Corruption is rampant in both private and public organizations. It is the order of the day for people to cut corners and breach the trust reposed in them by their employers and the society just to satisfy their inordinate ambitions and insatiable desire for the pleasures of the world. Cases of electoral malpractices ranging from election rigging to results falsification and outright theft of ballot boxes characterized some nations’ electoral processes. Political office holders at all levels have jettisoned their statutory roles and responsibilities, instead they are leaving no stone unturned in amassing wealth through the indiscriminate plundering of the commonwealth of their countries which they siphon to other places through their family members, cronies and foreign collaborators.

Most of the youths who are the leaders of tomorrow have become criminals. If they are not on the internet looking for people to scam under false pretences, they are busy kidnapping, robbing or planning how to undertake suicide bombing. All the websites created for social networking have been turned by the people to avenues to defraud their fellow men locally and internationally. Elsewhere youths are being trained in the art of terrorism under the guise of religion fundamentalism. The craze to reap where they did not sow has turned many people to swindlers, pirates, fraudsters and the like. They fabricate all manners of lies to dupe unsuspecting but oftentimes gullible individuals and corporate bodies who found their offers irresistible.

Able-bodied men and women who are supposed to engage in productive ventures and shore their respective nations GDP are involved in illicit trades like drug peddling, money laundering, child trafficking and other criminal activities like thuggery, cultism, armed robbery, militancy and senseless assassination of fellow human beings. The female ones are struggling to outdo one another in prostitution with alarming recklessness. Our ladies mode of dressing under the guise of civilization is gradually drawing us back to the Stone Age when people only cover their private parts apparently to prevent dust from entering into their bodies and leave the rest of the body uncovered.

Human rights violations from people in authority and those being paid to enforce law and safeguard the society are common phenomenon. Governments, the military, police and Para-military agents indulge in unlawful acts and often times in extrajudicial killings of fellow human beings through senseless wars, civil strife etc usually on flimsy excuses. Such Governments through maladministration are responsible for the pestilence and abject poverty confronting their people.

Those who are battering the image of humanity and those who have turned themselves into agents of destruction and made the world unsafe are all culpable as they have the freewill to choose between good and bad. I believe that through proper orientation, we can instill in people, the right attitude to living a normal and decent life. I whole heartedly desire that people should change their ways of life to make the world a better place for all of us. I call on individuals, corporate bodies, governments and non-governmental organizations to rise up to the challenge of sensitizing the populace of the negative effects of social, economic and political vices. Let us all seek to make our fellow citizens to conform to God’s standard and internationally acceptable code of conduct. The whole world needs a complete culture change.

Last line: “those to whom peace is no more than a dream are asleep to the future”….author unknown.

Stay tuned to this site for more thought provoking posts.

Sincerely yours.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010


Are you unemployed and looking for a job or career you can undertake on your
own for a sustainable future? Are you a fresh or stale graduate, a school
leaver or an employed fellow desirous of starting your own business and stop
chasing jobs that are not there or free yourself from being tied down to a job that is no longer fulfilling? There is a way for you. I have over the years compiled a list of jobs and careers that an average person can undertake with little or no startup capital, which I will be sharing with the public on this site. They are real, legitimate and practical. They are jobs that you might have come across or hear about in the past but which you did not take serious.
Before we go further, it is pertinent to let you into my personality so that you will have an idea of the person you are dealing with and thus be rest assured that you are in for a great deal by keeping a date with this site.

I am a man in my 40s, I am educated up to first degree level and I worked in one of the first generation Banks in Nigeria for 20 years (yes 20 solid years) before I voluntarily retired to start my own business. I nursed the idea of being on my own for the last 10 years of my sojourn in the Bank. It happened that I just became tired of the status quo. The desire to try my hands on a business of my own grew over the years that I had great passion for self employment.

Not that I was not good at my job in the bank. In fact I was a toast of my bosses and colleagues as well as the bank’s customers in view of my dedication to duty, diligence and top of the range performance. I did not also have any financial problem as I was being paid a fairly good salary (you know Bankers are among the best paid in the world ) and above this, I regularly earn extra allowances for being the “engine room” in all the branches I worked. It will interest you to know that my hard work and excellent knowledge of the job earned me steady promotion. I was the Head of the last few branches I served in the bank.

When my passion for self employment became an obsession, I threw in the towel and took my destiny in my own hands. The fear of the unknown and some other feelings which hitherto held me down gave way to a strong determination to succeed and I began to swim in the ocean of uncertainty which characterized the business climate.

In the past few years, I have tried my hands on several things, made several mistakes and discovered so many things which could not be discovered except one is personally involved and with a discerning mind. The determination to succeed propelled me to carry out extensive research on ways to survive. To the glory of God I have found a means of livelihood which have been meeting my needs and which posses the potential to make me one of the greatest men that ever lived on this planet.

The result of my efforts is what I am about to share with you. As I always reiterate, the ideas I am going to reveal to you are practical, real, legitimate, legal and can be taken up by anybody with strong determination to succeed. They are not “out of the world” ideas neither are they novel ideas that have not been practiced before. You will be surprised that they are things you are familiar with but which you did not pay attention to either because you are already employed and are not ready to leave your comfort zone or you do not see any potential in them as you lack the required skills, or you are unemployed but your mind is fixed at getting a white collar job in a bank, multinational, oil and gas company or other high paying industries rather than being self employed. The bitter truth however is that there are very few job openings and even those in employments other than their own will one day leave the job.

Thank you for your patience in reading through this mail.
Together we shall succeed (Amen).

Sincerely yours.